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George Adelbert Strong

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Raymond Coon

Raymond Coon

Male 1895 - 1895  (0 years)Deceased


COON, Raymond 1895-1895

COON, Raymond 1895-1895

Media TitleCOON Family, Malcolm L., 1871-1959
Media NotesCOON
Malcolm L. Coon
His Wife
Emma Delong
Eva 1894-1894
Raymond 1895-1895
Owner of originalKatherine Legget
Date9 Feb 2013
File namecoon_malcolm_luther-delong_emma-eva-raymond_cem.jpg
File Size369.58k
Dimensions1024 x 681
Linked toEva Coon (Burial); Malcolm Luther Coon (Burial); Raymond Coon (Burial); Emma Delong (Burial)

Halladay Burial Grounds, Elgin, Leeds, Ontario, Canada

Notes: Located at the end of Halladay Street at Church Street

Cemetery Photos

   Thumb   Description 
1Halladay Burial Place Halladay Burial Place
Entrance to the Halladay Burial Grounds